CSRD Gap Tool


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Welcome to our CSRD Gap Tool

With this tool you walk step by step through the different disclosure requirements as a self assessment to check your status.

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ESRS 2: General disclosures

BP-1 – General basis for preparation of the sustainability statement

Are you ready to disclose the general basis for the preparation of your CSRD sustainability statement?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose the following:

a. whether your sustainability statement has been prepared on a consolidated or individual basis

b. for consolidated sustainability statements:

i. a confirmation that the scope of consolidation is the same as for the financial statements, or, where applicable, a declaration that you are not required to draw-up financial statements or that you are preparing consolidated sustainability reporting pursuant to Article 48i of Directive 2013/34/EU

ii. where applicable, an indication of which of your subsidiary undertakings included in the consolidation that are exempted from individual or consolidated sustainability reporting pursuant to Articles 19a(9) or 29a(8) of Directive 2013/34/EU

c. to what extent your sustainability statement covers your upstream and downstream value chain

d. whether you have used the option to omit a specific piece of information corresponding to intellectual property, know-how or the results of innovation

e. if you are based in an EU member state that allows for the exemption from disclosure of impending developments or matters in the course of negotiation, as provided for in articles 19a(3) and 29a(3) of Directive 2013/34/EU, whether you have used that exemption.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

BP-2 – Disclosures in relation to specific circumstances

Are you ready to disclose what effect specific circumstances have on the preparation of your sustainability statement?

Please specify an answer

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You may report this information alongside the disclosures to which they refer.

Specific circumstances refers to the following:

Time horizons 

When you have deviated from definitions of short-term (same as reporting period), medium-term (<5 years),  or long-term (5+years) time horizons, you shall describe:

a. your definitions of medium- or long-term time horizons

b. the reasons for applying those definitions

Value chain estimation

When metrics include upstream and/or downstream value chain data estimated using indirect sources, such as sector-average data or other proxies, you shall:

a. identify the metrics

b. describe the basis for preparation

c. describe the resulting level of accuracy

d. where applicable, describe the planned actions to improve the accuracy in the future

Sources of estimation and outcome uncertainty

In accordance with ESRS 1 section 7.2 Sources of estimation and outcome uncertainty, you shall:

a. identify the quantitative metrics and monetary amounts you have disclosed that are subject to a high level of measurement uncertainty

b. in relation to each quantitative metric and monetary amount identified:

i. disclose information about the sources of measurement uncertainty (for example, the dependence of the amount on the outcome of a future event, on a measurement technique or on the availability and quality of data from your upstream and/or downstream value chain)

ii. disclose the assumptions, approximations and judgements you have made in measuring it

When disclosing forward-looking information, you may indicate that you consider such information to be uncertain

Changes in preparation or presentation of sustainability information

When changes in the preparation and presentation of sustainability information occur compared to the previous reporting period(s) you shall:

a. explain the changes and the reasons for them, including why the replaced metric provides more useful information

b. disclose revised comparative figures, unless it is impracticable to do so. When it is impracticable to adjust comparative information for one or more prior periods, you shall disclose that fact

c. disclose the difference between the figure disclosed in the preceding period and the revised comparative figure

Reporting errors in prior periods

When you identify material prior period errors you shall disclose:

a. the nature of the prior period material error

b. to the extent practicable, the correction for each prior period included in the sustainability statement

c. if correction of the error is not practicable, the circumstances that led to the existence of that condition

Disclosures stemming from other legislation or generally accepted sustainability reporting pronouncements

When you include in your sustainability statement information stemming from other legislation which requires you to disclose sustainability information from other generally accepted sustainability reporting standards and frameworks, in addition to the information prescribed by ESRS, you shall disclose this fact. In case of partial application of other reporting standards or frameworks, you shall provide a precise reference to the paragraphs of the standard or framework applied.

Incorporation by reference

When you incorporate information by reference, you shall disclose a list of the disclosure requirements of ESRS, or the specific datapoints mandated by a Disclosure Requirement, that have been incorporated by reference.

Use of phase-In provisions in accordance with Appendix C of ESRS 1

If you do not exceed on your balance sheet date the average number of 750 employees during the financial year you can during the first or the first 2 years of preparation of your sustainability statement decide to omit information required by: 

- ESRS E4 (can be omitted during the first 2 years)

- ESRS S1 (can be omitted during the first year)

- ESRS S2 (can be omitted during the first 2 years)

- ESRS S3 (can be omitted during the first 2 years)

- ESRS S4 (can be omitted during the first 2 years)

However, if deciding to do so you shall nevertheless disclose whether the sustainability topics covered by each respective standard have been assessed to be material as a result of your materiality assessment. Additionally, if one or more of these topics have been assessed to be material, you shall for each material topic:

a. disclose the list of matters in AR 16 ESRS 1 Appendix A that are assessed to be material and briefly describe how your business model and strategy take into account your organizations’ impacts related to those matters. You may identify these matters at the level of topic, sub-topic or sub-sub-topic.

b. briefly describe any time-bound targets you have set related to the matters in question, the progress you have made towards achieving those targets, and whether your targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems are based on conclusive scientific evidence 

c. briefly describe your policies in relation to the matters in question

d. briefly describe actions you have taken to identify, monitor, prevent, mitigate, remediate or bring an end to actual or potential adverse impacts related to the matters in question, and the result of such actions

e. disclose metrics relevant to the matters in question

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

GOV-1 – The role of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Are you ready to disclose the composition of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies, their roles and responsibilities and access to expertise and skills with regard to sustainability matters?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose the following information about the composition and diversity of the members of your administrative, management and supervisory bodies:

a. the number of executive and non-executive members

b. representation of employees and other workers

c. experience relevant to the sectors, products and geographic locations of your organization

d. percentage by gender and other aspects of diversity that your organization considers relevant

e. the percentage of independent board members

You shall disclose the following information about the roles and responsibilities of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies:

a. the identity of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies (such as a board committee or similar) or individual(s) within a body responsible for oversight of impacts, risks and opportunities

b. how each body’s or individual’s responsibilities for impacts, risks and opportunities are reflected in your terms of reference, board mandates and other related policies

c. a description of management’s role in the governance processes, controls and procedures used to monitor, manage and oversee impacts, risks and opportunities, including:

i. whether that role is delegated to a specific management-level position or committee and how oversight is exercised over that position or committee

ii. information about the reporting lines to the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

iii. whether dedicated controls and procedures are applied to the management of impacts, risks and opportunities and, if so, how they are integrated with other internal functions

d. how the administrative, management and supervisory bodies and senior executive management oversee the setting of targets related to material impacts, risks and opportunities, and how they monitor progress towards them

This disclosure shall also include a description of how the administrative, management and supervisory bodies determine whether appropriate skills and expertise are available or will be developed to oversee sustainability matters, including:

a. the sustainability-related expertise that the bodies, as a whole, either directly possess or can leverage, for example through access to experts or training

b. how those skills and expertise relate to your organization’s material impacts, risks and opportunities

Please note, some datapoints in topical standard G1 Governance/Business conduct relate to GOV-1 and refer back to this disclosure requirement, and these should be reported alongside GOV-1.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

GOV-2 – Information provided to and sustainability matters addressed by the undertaking’s administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Are you ready to disclose how your administrative, management and supervisory bodies are informed about sustainability matters?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you shall disclose the following:

a. whether, by whom and how frequently the administrative, management and supervisory bodies, including their relevant committees, are informed about:

i. material impacts, risks and opportunities

ii. the implementation of due diligence

iii. the results and effectiveness of policies, actions, metrics and targets adopted to address material impacts, risks and opportunities

b. how the administrative, management and supervisory bodies consider impacts, risks and opportunities when overseeing your organization’s strategy, your decisions on major transactions and your risk management process

c. a list of the material impacts, risks and opportunities addressed by the administrative, management and supervisory bodies, or their relevant committees during the reporting period

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

GOV-3 – Integration of sustainability-related performance in incentive schemes

Are you ready to disclose information about the integration of your sustainability related performance in incentive schemes?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose the following information about the incentive schemes and remuneration policies linked to sustainability matters for members of your administrative, management and supervisory bodies, where they exist:

a. a description of the key characteristics of the incentive schemes

b. whether performance is being assessed against specific sustainability-related targets and/or impacts, and if so, which ones

c. whether and how sustainability-related performance metrics are considered as performance benchmarks or included in remuneration policies

d. the proportion of variable remuneration dependent on sustainability-related targets and/or impacts

e. at which level in your organization the terms of incentive schemes are approved and updated

Please note, some datapoints in topical standard E1 Climate change relate to GOV-3 and refer back to this disclosure requirement, and these should be reported alongside GOV-3.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

GOV-4 - Statement on sustainability due diligence

Are you ready to disclose  information on your due diligence process with regard to sustainability matters?

Please specify an answer

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You shall provide a mapping that explains how and where your application of the main aspects and steps of the due diligence process are reflected in your sustainability statement, to allow a depiction of the actual practices of your organization with regard to due diligence.

This disclosure requirement does not mandate any specific behavioural requirements with regard to due diligence actions and does not extend or modify the role of administrative, management and supervisory bodies as mandated by other legislation or regulation.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

GOV-5 - Risk management and internal controls over sustainability reporting

Are you ready to disclose the main features of your risk management and internal control system in relation to the sustainability reporting process?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you shall disclose the following information:

a. the scope, main features and components of your risk management and internal control processes and systems in relation to sustainability reporting

b. the risk assessment approach followed, including the risk prioritisation methodology

c. the main risks identified and their mitigation strategies including related controls

d. a description of how you integrate the findings of your risk assessment and internal controls regarding the sustainability reporting process into relevant internal functions and processes

e. a description of the periodic reporting of the findings referred to in point (d) to the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

SBM-1 – Strategy, business model and value chain

Are you ready to disclose the elements of your general strategy that relate to or impact sustainability matters, including your business model and value chain?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose the following information about the key elements of your general strategy that relate to or affect sustainability matters:

a. a description of:

i. significant groups of products and/or services offered

ii. significant markets and/or customer groups served

iii. headcount of employees by geographical areas

iv. where applicable and material, products and services that are banned in certain markets

b. a breakdown of total revenue, as included in your financial statements, by significant ESRS sectors

c. a list of the additional significant ESRS sectors beyond the ones reflected under point (b), such as activities that give rise to intercompany revenues, in which you develop significant activities, or in which you are or may be connected to material impacts

d. where applicable, a statement indicating, together with the related revenues, that your organization is active in:

i. the fossil fuel (coal, oil and gas) sector

ii. chemicals production

iii. controversial weapons

iv. the cultivation and production of tobacco

e. your sustainability-related goals in terms of significant groups of products and services, customer categories, geographical areas and relationships with stakeholders

f.  an assessment of your current significant products and/or services, and significant markets and customer groups, in relation to your sustainability-related goals

g. the elements of your strategy that relate to or impact sustainability matters, including the main challenges ahead, critical solutions or projects to be put in place

Furthermore, you shall disclose a description of your business model and value chain, including:

a. your inputs and your approach to gathering, developing and securing those inputs

b. your outputs and outcomes in terms of current and expected benefits for customers, investors and other stakeholders

c. the main features of your upstream and downstream value chain and the position of your organization in your value chain, including a description of the main business actors (such as key suppliers, customers, distribution channels and end-users) and their relationship to your organization

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

SBM-2 – Interests and views of stakeholders

Are you ready to disclose how the interests and views of your stakeholders are taken into account in your general strategy and business model?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose a summarised description of

a. your stakeholder engagement, including:

i. your key stakeholders;

ii. whether engagement with them occurs and for which categories of stakeholders

iii. how it is organised

iv. its purpose

v. how its outcome is taken into account by your organization

b. your understanding of how the interests and views of your key stakeholders relate to your strategy and business model, and to what extent these were analysed during your due diligence process and/or materiality assessment process.

c.  where applicable, amendments to your strategy and/or business model, including:

i. how you have amended or expect to amend your strategy and/or business model to address the interests and views of your stakeholders

ii. any further steps that are being planned and in what timeline

iii. whether these steps are likely to modify the relationship with and views of stakeholders

d. whether and how the administrative, management and supervisory bodies are informed about the views and interests of affected stakeholders with regard to your sustainability-related impacts

Please note, some datapoints in certain topical standards relate to SBM-2 and refer back to this disclosure requirement, and these should be reported alongside SBM-2:

S1 Own workforce

S2 Value chain workers

S3 Affected communities

S4 Consumers and end-users

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

SBM-3 - Material impacts, risks and opportunities and their interaction with strategy and business model

Are you ready to disclose your material impacts, risks and opportunities and how they interact with your strategy and business model?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you shall disclose the following:

a. a brief description of your material impacts, risks and opportunities resulting from your materiality assessment, including a description of where in your business model, your own operations and your upstream and downstream value chain these material impacts, risks and opportunities are concentrated

b. the current and anticipated effects of your material impacts, risks and opportunities on your business model, value chain, strategy and decision-making, and how you have responded or plan to respond to these effects, including any changes you have made or plan to make to your strategy or business model as part of your actions to address particular material impacts or risks, or to pursue particular material opportunities with reference to your material impacts:

i. how your material negative and positive impacts affect (or, in the case of potential impacts, are likely to affect) people or the environment

ii. whether and how the impacts originate from or are connected to your strategy and business model

iii. the reasonably expected time horizons of the impacts

iv. whether you are involved with the material impacts through your activities or because of your business relationships, describing the nature of the activities or business relationships concerned

d. the current financial effects of your material risks and opportunities on your financial position, financial performance and cash flows and the material risks and opportunities for which there is a significant risk of a material adjustment within the next annual reporting period to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities reported in your related financial statements

e. the anticipated financial effects on your material risks and opportunities on your financial position, financial performance and cash flows over the short-, medium- and long-term, including the reasonably expected time horizons for those effects. This shall include how you expect your financial position, financial performance and cash flows to change over the short, medium- and long-term, given your strategy to manage risks and opportunities, taking into consideration:

i. your investment and disposal plans (for example, capital expenditure, major acquisitions and divestments, joint ventures, business transformation, innovation, new business areas and asset retirements), including plans you are not contractually committed to

ii. your planned sources of funding to implement your strategy

f. information about the resilience of your strategy and business model regarding your capacity to address your material impacts and risks and to take advantage of your material opportunities. You shall disclose a qualitative and, when applicable, a quantitative analysis of the resilience, including how the analysis was conducted and the time horizons that were applied as defined in ESRS 1. When providing quantitative information, you may disclose single amounts or ranges.

g. changes to the material impacts, risks and opportunities compared to the previous reporting period

h. a specification of those impacts, risks and opportunities that are covered by ESRS Disclosure Requirements as opposed to those covered by your organization using additional entity-specific disclosures

Please note, some datapoints in certain topical standards relate to SBM-3 and refer back to this disclosure requirement, and these should be reported alongside SBM-3:

E1 Climate change

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems

S1 Own workforce

S2 Value chain workers

S3 Affected communities

S4 Consumers and end-users

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

IRO-1 - Description of the process to identify and assess material impacts, risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose your process to identify your impacts, risks and opportunities and to assess which ones are material?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose the following information:

a. a description of the methodologies and assumptions applied in the described process

b. an overview of the process to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor your potential and actual impacts on people and the environment, informed by your due diligence process, including an explanation of whether and how the process:

i. focusses on specific activities, business relationships, geographies or other factors that give rise to heightened risk of adverse impacts

ii. considers the impacts with which your organization is involved through your own operations or as a result of your business relationships

iii. includes consultation with affected stakeholders to understand how they may be impacted, and with external experts

iv. how you prioritise negative impacts based on their relative severity and likelihood, and, if applicable, positive impacts on their relative scale, scope and likelihood, and how you determine which sustainability matters are material for reporting purposes, including the qualitative or quantitative thresholds and other criteria used as prescribed by ESRS 1

c. an overview of the process used to identify, assess, prioritise and monitor risks and opportunities that have or may have financial effects. This shall include:

i. how you have considered the connections of your impacts and dependencies with the risks and opportunities that may arise from those impacts and dependencies

ii. how you assess the likelihood, magnitude, and nature of effects of the identified risk and opportunities (such as the qualitative or quantitative thresholds and other criteria used as prescribed by ESRS 1)

iii. how you prioritise sustainability-related risks relative to other types of risks, including your use of risk-assessment tools

d. a description of your decision-making process and the related internal control procedures

e. the extent to which and how the process to identify, assess and manage impacts and risks is integrated into your overall risk management process and used to evaluate your overall risk profile and risk management processes

f. the extent to which and how the process to identify, assess and manage opportunities is integrated into your overall management process where applicable

g. the input parameters you use (for example, data sources, the scope of operations covered and the detail used in assumptions)

h. whether and how the process has changed compared to the prior reporting period, when the process was modified for the last time and future revision dates of the materiality assessment

Please note, some datapoints in certain topical standards relate to IRO-1 and refer back to this disclosure requirement, and these should be reported alongside IRO-1:

E1 Climate change

E2 Pollution

E3 Water and marine resources

E4 Biodiversity and ecosystems

E5 Resource use and circular economy

S1 Own workforce

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS 2: General disclosures

IRO-2 – Disclosure Requirements in ESRS covered by the undertaking’s sustainability statement

Do you report what disclosure requirements are included in your sustainability statement, and what topics have been omitted and considered not material as a result of your materiality assessment?

Please specify an answer

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You shall include a list of the Disclosure Requirements complied with in preparing the sustainability statement, following the outcome of your materiality assessment, including the page numbers and/or paragraphs where the related disclosures are located in your sustainability statement. This may be presented as a content index. 

You shall also include a table of all the datapoints that derive from other EU legislation, indicating where they can be found in you sustainability statement, including those that your have assessed as not material.

If you conclude that climate change is not material and therefore omit all Disclosure Requirements in ESRS E1 Climate change, you shall disclose a detailed explanation of the conclusions of your materiality assessment with regard to climate change, including a forward-looking analysis of the conditions that could lead to you concluding that climate change is material in the future.

If you conclude that a topic other than climate change is not material and therefore omit all the Disclosure Requirements in the corresponding topical ESRS, you may provide a brief explanation of the conclusions of your materiality assessment for that topic.

You shall provide an explanation of how you have determined the material information to be disclosed in relation to the impacts, risks and opportunities that you have assessed to be material, including the use of thresholds and/or how you have implemented the criteria in ESRS 1 section 3.2 Material matters and materiality of information.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-1 – Transition plan for climate change mitigation

Are you ready to disclose your transition plan for climate change mitigation?

Please specify an answer

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Your transition plan for climate change mitigation should include: 

a. by reference to your GHG emission reduction targets an explanation of how your targets are compatible with the limiting of global warming to 1.5°C in line with the Paris Agreement

b. by reference to your GHG emission reduction targets and your climate change mitigation actions, an explanation of the decarbonisation levers you have identified and your key actions planned, including changes in your product and service portfolio and the adoption of new technologies in your own operations, or in your upstream and/or downstream value chain

c. by reference to your climate change mitigation actions, an explanation and quantification of your investments and funding supporting the implementation of your transition plan, with a reference to your key performance indicators of taxonomy-aligned CapEx, and where relevant the CapEx plans, that you disclose in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178

d. a qualitative assessment of the potential locked-in GHG emissions from your key assets and products. This shall include an explanation of if and how these emissions may jeopardise the achievement of your GHG emission reduction targets and drive transition risk, and if applicable, an explanation of your plans to manage your GHG-intensive and energy intensive assets and products

e. if you have economic activities that are covered by delegated regulations on climate adaptation or mitigation under the Taxonomy Regulation, an explanation of any objective or plans (CapEX, CapEx plans, OpEX) that you have for aligning your economic activities (revenues, CapEx, OpEx) with the criteria established in Commission Delegated Regulation 2021/2139

f. if applicable, a disclosure of significant CapEx amounts invested during the reporting period related to coal, oil and gas-related economic activities

g. a disclosure on whether or not your organization is excluded from the EU Paris-aligned Benchmarks

h. an explanation of how the transition plan is embedded in and aligned with your overall business strategy and financial planning

i. whether the transition plan is approved by the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

j. an explanation of your progress in implementing your transition plan

In case you do not have a transition plan in place, you shall indicate whether and, if so, when you will adopt a transition plan.

Furthermore, you shall explain for each material climate-related risk you have identified, whether you consider the risk to be a climate-related physical risk or climate-related transition risk, and describe the resilience of your strategy and business model in relation to climate change. This description shall include:

a. the scope of the resilience analysis

b. how and when the resilience analysis has been conducted, including the use of climate scenario analysis as referenced in the Disclosure Requirement related to ESRS 2 IRO-1 and the related application requirement paragraphs

c. the results of the resilience analysis including the results from the use of scenario analysis

Lastly, you shall describe your process to identify and assess climate-related impacts, risks and opportunities. This description shall include your process in relation to:

a. impacts on climate change, in particular, your GHG emissions

b. climate-related physical risks in your own operations and along your upstream and downstream value chain, in particular:

i. the identification of climate-related hazards, considering at least high emission climate scenarios

ii. the assessment of how your assets and business activities may be exposed and are sensitive to these climate-related hazards, creating gross physical risks for your organization

c. climate-related transition risks and opportunities in your own operations and along your upstream and downstream value chain, in particular:

i. the identification of climate-related transition events, considering at least a climate scenario in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot

ii. the assessment of how your assets and business activities may be exposed to these climate-related transition events, creating gross transition risks or opportunities for your organization

When disclosing this information you shall explain how you have used climate-related scenario analysis, including a range of climate scenarios, to inform the identification and assessment of physical risks and transition risks and opportunities over the short-, medium- and long-term.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-2 – Policies related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Are you ready to disclose your policies adopted to manage your material impacts, risks and opportunities related to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, as well as associated material risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

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Specifically, your policies related to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation shall address the following areas:

a. climate change mitigation

b. climate change adaptation

c. energy efficiency

d. renewable energy deployment 

e. other

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-3 – Actions and resources in relation to climate change policies

Are you ready to disclose your actions related to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation and the resources allocated to their implementation?

Please specify an answer

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When disclosing your action related climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation you shall provide the following information:

a. your key actions taken in the reporting year and your key actions planned for the future

b. present your climate change mitigation actions by decarbonisation lever including nature-based solutions

c. your achieved and expected GHG emission reductions

d. relate significant monetary amounts of CapEx and OpEx required to implement the actions taken or planned to:

i. the relevant line items or notes in the financial statements

ii. the key performance indicators required under Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178

iii. if applicable, the CapEx plan required by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-4 – Targets related to climate change mitigation and adaptation

Are you ready to disclose your targets related to climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose:

a. Whether and how you have set GHG emissions reduction targets

b. Any other targets to manage material climate-related impacts, for example targets related to:

i. renewable energy deployment

ii. energy efficiency

iii. climate change adaptation

iv. physical or transition risk mitigation

If you have set GHG emission reduction targets, the following requirements apply:

a. GHG emission reduction targets shall be disclosed in absolute value (either in tonnes of CO2eq or as a percentage of the emissions of a base year) and, where relevant, in intensity value

b. GHG emission reduction targets shall be disclosed for Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions, either separately or combined, and:

i. in case of combined GHG emission reduction targets, you shall specify which GHG emission Scopes (1, 2 and/or 3) are covered by the target, the share related to each respective GHG emission Scope and which GHGs are covered

ii. you shall also explain how the consistency of these targets with your GHG inventory boundaries is ensured

iii. The GHG emission reduction targets shall be gross targets, meaning that your shall not include GHG removals, carbon credits or avoided emissions as a means of achieving your GHG emission reduction targets

c. You shall disclose your current base year and baseline value, and from 2030 onwards, update the base year for your GHG emission reduction targets after every five year period thereafter. You may disclose the past progress made in meeting your targets before your current base year provided that this information is consistent with the requirements of this ESRS standard

d. GHG emission reduction targets shall at least include target values for the year 2030 and, if available, for the year 2050. From 2030, target values shall be set after every 5-year period thereafter

e. you shall state whether the GHG emission reduction targets are science-based and compatible with limiting global warming to 1.5°C, and:

i. You shall state which framework and methodology has been used to determine these targets including whether they are derived using a sectoral decarbonisation pathway and what the underlying climate and policy scenarios are and whether your targets have been externally assured

ii. As part of the critical assumptions for setting GHG emission reduction targets, you shall briefly explain how you have considered future developments (e.g., changes in sales volumes, shifts in customer preferences and demand, regulatory factors, and new technologies) and how these will potentially impact both your GHG emissions and emissions reductions

f. you shall describe the expected decarbonisation levers and their overall quantitative contributions to achieve your GHG emission reduction targets (e.g., energy or material efficiency and consumption reduction, fuel switching, use of renewable energy, phase out or substitution of product and process).

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-5 – Energy consumption and mix

Are you ready to disclose information on your energy consumption and mix?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure shall include the total energy consumption in MWh related to your own operations disaggregated by:

a. total energy consumption from fossil sources

b. total energy consumption from nuclear sources

c. total energy consumption from renewable sources disaggregated by

i. fuel consumption for renewable sources including biomass (also comprising industrial and municipal waste of biologic origin), biofuels, biogas, hydrogen from renewable sources

ii. consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam, and cooling from renewable sources

iii. consumption of self-generated non-fuel renewable energy

If you have operations in high climate impact sectors you shall further disaggregate your total energy consumption from fossil sources by:

a. fuel consumption from coal and coal products

b. fuel consumption from crude oil and petroleum products

c. fuel consumption from natural gas

d. fuel consumption from other fossil sources

e. consumption of purchased or acquired electricity, heat, steam, or cooling from fossil sources

Additionally, you shall disaggregate and disclose separately your non-renewable energy production and renewable energy production in MWh, where applicable.

Moreover, you shall provide information on your energy intensity (total energy consumption per net revenue) associated with activities in high climate impact sectors.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-6 – Gross Scopes 1, 2, 3 and Total GHG emissions

Are you ready to disclose, in metric tonnes of CO2eq, your:

a. gross Scope 1 GHG emissions

b. gross Scope 2 GHG emissions

c. gross Scope 3 GHG emissions

d. total GHG emissions

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Your disclosure on gross Scope 1 GHG emissions shall include:

a. the gross Scope 1 GHG emissions in metric tonnes of CO2eq

b. the percentage of Scope 1 GHG emissions from regulated emission trading schemes

Your disclosure on gross Scope 2 GHG emissions shall include:

a. the gross location-based Scope 2 GHG emissions in metric tonnes of CO2eq

b. the gross market-based Scope 2 GHG emissions in metric tonnes of CO2eq

For Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions you shall disaggregate the information and separately disclosing emissions from:

a. the consolidated accounting group (the parent and subsidiaries)

b. investees such as associates, joint ventures, or unconsolidated subsidiaries that are not fully consolidated in the financial statements of the consolidated accounting group, as well as contractual arrangements that are joint arrangements not structured through an entity (i.e., jointly controlled operations and assets), for which you have operational control

Your disclosure of gross Scope 3 GHG emissions shall include GHG emissions in metric tonnes of CO2eq from each significant Scope 3 category (i.e. each Scope 3 category that is a priority for your organization).

Your disclosure of total GHG emissions shall be the sum of your Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions. Your total GHG emissions shall be disclosed with a disaggregation that makes a distinction of:

a. the total GHG emissions derived from the underlying Scope 2 GHG emissions being measured using the location-based method

b. the total GHG emissions derived from the underlying Scope 2 GHG emissions being measured using the market-based method

Furthermore, you shall disclose your GHG emissions intensity (total GHG emissions per net revenue).

Your disclosure on GHG intensity shall provide your total GHG emissions in metric tonnes of CO2eq per net revenue.

Lastly, you shall disclose the relevant line item or notes in your financial statements of your net revenue amounts (the denominator in the calculation of the GHG emissions intensity).

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-7 – GHG removals and GHG mitigation projects financed through carbon credits

Are you ready to disclose the following:

a. GHG removals and storage in metric tonnes of CO2eq resulting from projects you have developed in your own operations, or contributed to in your upstream and downstream value chain?

b. the amount of GHG emission reductions or removals from climate change mitigation projects outside your value chain you have financed or intends to finance through any purchase of carbon credits?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Your disclosure on GHG removals and storage shall include, if applicable:

a. the total amount of GHG removals and storage in metric tonnes of CO2eq disaggregated and separately disclosed for:

i. the amount related to your own operations

ii. the amount related to your upstream and downstream value chain, broken down by removal activity

b. the calculation assumptions, methodologies and frameworks you have applied

Your disclosure on carbon credits shall include, if applicable:

a. the total amount of carbon credits outside your value chain in metric tonnes of CO2eq that are verified against recognised quality standards and cancelled in the reporting period

b. the total amount of carbon credits outside your value chain in metric tonnes of CO2eq planned to be cancelled in the future and whether they are based on existing contractual agreements or not

In the case you disclose a net-zero target in addition to your gross GHG emission reduction targets you shall explain the scope, methodologies and frameworks applied and how your residual GHG emissions are intended to be neutralised by, for example, GHG removals in your own operations and your upstream and donwstream value chain.

In case you have made public claims of GHG neutrality that involve the use of carbon credits, you shall explain:

a. whether and how these claims are accompanied by your GHG emission reduction targets

b. whether and how these claims and the reliance on carbon credits neither impede nor reduce the achievement of your GHG emission reduction targets, or, if applicable, your net zero target 

c. the credibility and integrity of the carbon credits you have used, including by reference to recognised quality standards

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-8 – Internal carbon pricing

Are you ready to disclose whether you apply internal carbon pricing schemes, and if so, how do they support your decision making and incentivise your implementation of climate-related policies and targets?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


The following information is required by this disclosure requirement:

a. the type of internal carbon pricing scheme, for example, the shadow prices applied for CapEX or research and development (R&D) investment decision making, internal carbon fees or internal carbon funds

b. the specific scope of application of the carbon pricing schemes (activities, geographies, entities, etc.)

c. the carbon prices applied according to the type of scheme and critical assumptions made to determine the prices, including the source of the applied carbon prices and why these are deemed relevant for their chosen application. You may also disclose your calculation methodology of the carbon prices including the extent to which these have been set using scientific guidance and how their future development is related to science-based carbon pricing trajectories

d. your approximate gross GHG emission volumes by Scopes 1 and 2 in the current year, and where applicable, Scope 3 in metric tonnes of CO2eq covered by these schemes, as well as their share of your overall GHG emissions for each respective Scope

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E1: Climate change

E1-9 –  Anticipated financial effects from material physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities

Are you ready to disclose anticipated financial effects from material physical and transition risks and potential climate-related opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


The disclosure of anticipated financial effects from material physical risks shall include:

a. the monetary amount and proportion (percentage) of assets at material physical risk over the short-, medium- and long-term before considering climate change adaptation actions, with the monetary amounts of these assets disaggregated by acute and chronic physical risk

b. the proportion of assets at material physical risk addressed byclimate change adaptation actions

c. the location of significant assets at material physical risk

d. the monetary amount and proportion (percentage) of net revenue from your business activities at material physical risk over the short-, medium- and long-term

The disclosure of anticipated financial effects from material transition risks shall include:

a. the monetary amount and proportion (percentage) of assets at material transition risk over the short-, medium- and long-term before considering climate mitigation actions

b. the proportion of assets at material transition risk addressed by the climate change mitigation actions

c. a breakdown of the carrying value of your organization’s real estate assets by energy efficiency classes

d. liabilities that may have to be recognised in financial statements over the short-, medium- and long-term

e. the monetary amount and proportion (percentage) of net revenue from your business activities at material transition risk over the short-, medium- and long-term including the net revenue from your customers operating in coal, oil and gas-related activities, if relevant

You shall also disclose reconciliations to the relevant line items or notes in your financial statements of the following:

a. significant amounts of your assets and net revenue at material physical risk

b. significant amounts of your assets, liabilities, and net revenue at material transition risk

For the disclosure of the potential to pursue climate-related opportunities your shall consider:

a. your expected cost savings from climate change mitigation and adaptation actions

b. the potential market size or expected changes to net revenue from low-carbon products and services or adaptation solutions to which your organization have or may have access

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E2: Pollution

E2-1 – Policies related to pollution

Are you ready to disclose your policies related to pollution?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Specifically, your disclosure regarding policies related to pollution should include the following:

a. How you mitigate negative impacts related to pollution of air, water and soil, including the prevention and control of these

b. How you substitute and minimise the use of substances of concern

c. How you phase out substances of very high concern, in particular for non-essential societal use and in consumer product

d. How you avoid incidents and emergency situations, and if and when they occur, how you control and limit their impact on people and the environment

These issues should be addressed both in regard to your own operations and your upstream and downstream value chain, when material.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to pollution, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E2: Pollution

E2-2 – Actions and resources related to pollution

Are you ready to disclose your actions taken related to pollution and the resources allocated to their implementation?

Please specify an answer

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Specifically, in this disclosure you may specify to which layer in the following mitigation hierarchy an action and resources can be allocated:

a. avoid pollution, including any phase out of materials or compounds that have a negative impact (prevention of pollution at source)

b. reduce pollution, including: 

i. any phase-out of materials or compounds

ii. meeting enforcement requirements such as Best Available Techniques (BAT) requirements

iii. meeting the Do No Significant Harm criteria for pollution prevention and control according to the EU Taxonomy Regulation and its Delegated Acts (minimisation of pollution)

c. restore, regenerate and transform ecosystems where pollution has occurred (control of the impacts both from regular activities and incidents)

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E2: Pollution

E2-3 – Targets related to pollution

Are you ready to disclose your pollution-related targets?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Specifically, pollution-related targets should indicate whether and how they relate to the prevention and control of: 

a. air pollutants and respective specific loads

b. emissions to water and respective specific loads

c. pollution to soil and respective specific loads

d. substances of concern and substances of very high concern

You may specify whether ecological thresholds (e.g., the biosphere integrity, stratospheric ozone-depletion, atmospheric aerosol loading, soil depletion, ocean acidification) and entity-specific allocations were taken into consideration when setting your targets. If so, you may specify:

a. the ecological thresholds identified, and the methodology used to identify such thresholds

b. whether or not the thresholds are entity-specific and if so, how they were determined

c. how responsibility for respecting identified ecological thresholds is allocated in your organization

You shall also specify as part of the contextual information, whether the targets you have set and presented are mandatory (required by legislation) or voluntary.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E2: Pollution

E2-4 – Pollution of air, water and soil

Are you ready to disclose the pollutants that you emit through your own operations, as well as the microplastics you generate or use?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the amounts of:

a. each pollutant listed in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council64 (European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register “EPRTR Regulation”) emitted to air, water and soil, with the exception of emissions of GHGs which are disclosed in accordance with ESRS E1 Climate Change

b. microplastics generated or used by your organization

These amounts shall be consolidated amounts including the emissions from those facilities over which you have financial control and those over which you have operational control. The consolidation shall include only the emissions from facilities for which the applicable threshold value specified in Annex II of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 is exceeded. 

Furthermore, you shall put your disclosure into context and describe:

a. the changes over time

b. the measurement methodologies

c. the process(es) to collect data for pollution-related accounting and reporting, including the type of data needed and the information sources

Lastly, when you choose an inferior methodology compared to direct measurement of emissions quantify emissions, you shall outline the reasons for choosing this inferior methodology. If you use estimates, you shall disclose the standard, sectoral study or sources which form the basis of your estimates, as well as the possible degree of uncertainty and the range of estimates reflecting the measurement uncertainty.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E2: Pollution

E2-5 – Substances of concern and substances of very high concern

Are you ready to disclose  information on the production, use, distribution,commercialisation and import/export of substances of concern and substances of very high concern in your operations?

Please specify an answer

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This disclosure requirement shall include the total amounts of substances of concern that are generated or used during the production or that are procured, and the total amounts of substances of concern that leave your facilities as emissions, as products, or as part of products or services split into main hazard classes of substances of concern. You shall present the information for substances of very high concern separately.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E2: Pollution

E2-6 – Anticipated financial effects from material pollution-related risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose  anticipated financial effects of material pollution-related risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure shall include:

a. a quantification of the anticipated financial effects in monetary terms before considering pollution-related actions, or where not possible without undue cost or effort, qualitative information. For financial effects arising from opportunities, a quantification is not required if it would result in a disclosure that does not meet the qualitative characteristics of information

b. a description of the effects considered, the related impacts and the time horizons in which they are likely to materialise

c. the critical assumptions used to quantify the anticipated financial effects, as well as the sources and level of uncertainty of those assumptions

Furthermore, the following information shall be disclosed:

a. the share of net revenue made with products and services that are or that contain substances of concern, and the share of net revenue made with products and services that are or that contain substances of very high concern

b. the operating and capital expenditures incurred in the reporting period in conjunction with major incidents and deposits

c. the provisions for environmental protection and remediation costs, e.g., for rehabilitating contaminated sites, recultivating landfills, removal of environmental contamination at existing production or storage sites and similar measures

You shall also disclose any relevant contextual information including a description of material incidents and deposits whereby pollution had negative impacts on the environment and/or is expected to have negative effects on your financial cash flows, financial position and financial performance with short-, medium- and long-term time horizons.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E3: Water and marine resources

E3-1 – Policies related to water and marine resources

Are you ready to disclose your policies related to water and marine resources?

Please specify an answer

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Policies related to water and marine resources should indicate the following, when material:

a. your water management, including:

i. the use and sourcing of water and marine resources in your own operations

ii. water treatment as a step towards more sustainable sourcing of water

iii. the prevention and abatement of water pollution resulting from your activities

b. your product and service design in view of addressing water-related issues and the preservation of marine resources

c. your commitment to reduce material water consumption in areas at water risk in your own operations and along your upstream and downstream value chain

If at least one of your sites is located in an area of high-water stress and it is not covered by a policy, you shall state this to be the case and provide reasons for not having adopted such a policy. You may also disclose a timeframe in which you aim to adopt such a policy.

You shall also specify whether you have adopted policies or practices related to sustainable oceans and seas.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to water and marine resources, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E3: Water and marine resources

E3-2 – Actions and resources related to water and marine resources

Are you ready to disclose your actions taken related to water and marine resources and the resources allocated to their implementation?

Please specify an answer

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Specifically, resources can for example be allocated to:

a. avoiding the use of water and marine resources

b. reducing the use of water and marine resources through efficiency measures

c. reclaiming and reuse of water

d. restoration and regeneration of aquatic ecosystem and water bodies

Furthermore, you shall specify actions and resources in relation to areas at water risk, including areas of high-water stress.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E3: Water and marine resources

E3-3 – Targets related to water and marine resources

Are you ready to disclose your targets related to water and marine resources?

Please specify an answer

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Targets related to water and marine resources should relate to: 

a. the management of impacts, risks and opportunities related to areas at water risk, including improvement of the water quality

b. the responsible management of marine resources impacts, risks and opportunities including the nature and quantity of marine resources-related commodities (such as gravels, deep-sea minerals, seafood) used by your organization

c. the reduction of water consumption, including an explanation of how those targets relate to areas at water risk, including areas of high water-stress

You may specify whether ecological thresholds and entity-specific allocations were taken into consideration when setting your targets. If so, you may specify:

a. the ecological thresholds identified, and the methodology used to identify such thresholds

b. whether or not the thresholds are entity-specific and if so, how they were determined

c. how responsibility for respecting identified ecological thresholds is allocated in your organization

You shall also specify as part of the contextual information, whether the targets you have set and presented are mandatory (required by legislation) or voluntary.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E3: Water and marine resources

E3-4 – Water consumption

Are you ready to disclose  information on your water consumption in your own operations?

Please specify an answer

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The disclosure should include:

a. total water consumption in m3

b. total water consumption in m3 in areas at water risk, including areas of high-water stress

c. total water recycled and reused in m3

d. total water stored and changes in storage in m3

e. any contextual information necessary regarding points (a) to (d), including the water basins’ water quality and quantity, how the data have been compiled, such as any standards, methodologies, and assumptions used, including whether the information is calculated, estimated, modelled, or sourced from direct measurements, and your approach taken for this, such as the use of any sector-specific factors

You also need to disclose information about your water intensity; your total water consumption in your own operations in m3 per million EUR net revenue.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E3: Water and marine resources

E3-5 – Anticipated financial effects from material water and marine resources-related risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose  anticipated financial effects from material water and marine resources-related risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure shall include:

a. a quantification of the anticipated financial effects in monetary terms before considering water and marine resources-related actions or where not possible without undue cost or effort, qualitative information. For financial effects arising from opportunities, a quantification is not required if it would result in disclosure that does not meet the qualitative characteristics of information

b. a description of the effects considered, the impacts and dependencies to which they relate, and the time horizons in which they are likely to materialise

c. the critical assumptions used to quantify the anticipated financial effects, as well as the sources and level of uncertainty of those assumptions

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E4: Biodiversity and ecosystems

E4-1 – Transition plan and consideration of biodiversity and ecosystems in strategy and business model

Are you ready to disclose information that describes the resilience of your strategy and business model in relation to biodiversity and ecosystems?

Please specify an answer

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The description shall include: 

a. an assessment of the resilience of your current business model and strategy to biodiversity and ecosystems-related physical, transition and systemic risks

b. the scope of the resilience analysis

c. the key assumptions made

d. the time horizons used

e. the results of the resilience analysis

f. the involvement of stakeholders, including, where appropriate, holders of indigenous and local knowledge

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E4: Biodiversity and ecosystems

E4-2 – Policies related to biodiversity and ecosystems

Are you ready to disclose your policies related to biodiversity and ecosystems?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe whether and how your biodiversity and ecosystems-related policies:

a. relate to the following matters:

i. your contribution to direct impact drivers on biodiversity loss, through: 

- climate change

- land-use change (e.g., land artificialisation)

- freshwater-use change and sea-use change

- direct exploitation

- invasive alien species

- pollution

- others

ii. your impacts on the state of species (i.e., species population size, species global extinction risk)

iii. your impacts on the extent and condition of ecosystems including through land degradation, desertification and soil sealing

iv. your impacts and dependencies on ecosystem services

b. relate to your material biodiversity and ecosystems-related impacts

c. relate to material dependencies and material physical and transition risks and opportunities

d. support traceability of products, components and raw materials with material actual or potential impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems along your value chain

e. address production, sourcing or consumption from ecosystems that are managed to maintain or enhance conditions for biodiversity, as demonstrated by regular monitoring and reporting of biodiversity status and gains or losses

f. address social consequences of biodiversity and ecosystems-related impacts

You shall specifically disclose whether you have adopted:

a. biodiversity and ecosystem protection policy covering operational sites owned, leased, or managed in or near a biodiversity sensitive area

b. sustainable land / agriculture practices or policies

c. sustainable oceans / seas practices or policies

d. policies to address deforestation

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to biodiversity and ecosystems, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E4: Biodiversity and ecosystems

E4-3 – Actions and resources related to biodiversity and ecosystems

Are you ready to disclose your actions taken related to biodiversity and ecosystems and the resources allocated to their implementation?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Specifically, this disclosure requirement requires the following:

a. you may disclose how you have applied the mitigation hierarchy with regard to your actions (avoidance, minimisation, restoration/rehabilitation, and compensation or offsets)

b. you shall disclose whether you have used biodiversity offsets in your action plans. If the actions contain biodiversity offsets, you shall include the following information:

i. the aim of the offset and key performance indicators used

ii. the financing effects (direct and indirect costs) of biodiversity offsets in monetary terms

iii. a description of offsets including area, type, the quality criteria applied and the standards that the biodiversity offsets comply with

c. you shall describe whether and how you have incorporated local and indigenous knowledge and nature-based solutions into your biodiversity and ecosystems-related actions

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E4: Biodiversity and ecosystems

E4-4 – Targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems

Are you ready to disclose your targets related to biodiversity and ecosystems?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Specifically, you need to disclose:

a. whether ecological thresholds and allocations of impacts to your organization were applied when setting targets. If so, you shall specify:

i. the ecological thresholds identified and the methodology used to identify such thresholds

ii. whether or not the thresholds are entity-specific and if so, how they were determined

iii. how responsibility for respecting identified ecological thresholds is allocated in your organization

b. whether your targets are informed by, and/or aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, relevant aspects of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and other biodiversity and ecosystem-related national policies and legislation

c. how your targets relate to the biodiversity and ecosystem impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities in relation to your own operations and and your upstream and downstream value chain

d. the geographical scope of your targets, if relevant

e. whether or not you have used biodiversity offsets in setting your targets

f. to which of the layers of the mitigation hierarchy your targets can be allocated (i.e., avoidance, minimisation, restoration and rehabilitation, compensation or offsets)

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E4: Biodiversity and ecosystems

E4-5 – Impact metrics related to biodiversity and ecosystems change

Are you ready to disclose metrics related to your impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, when material?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Specifically, this disclosure requirement requires the following:

a. If you have sites located in or near biodiversity-sensitive areas that is negatively affecting, you shall disclose the number and area (in hectares) of sites owned, leased or managed in or near these protected areas or key biodiversity areas

b. If you have identified material impacts with regards to land-use change, or impacts on the extent and condition of ecosystems, you may also disclose your land-use based on a Life Cycle Assessment 

c. If you have concluded that you directly contribute to the impact drivers of land-use change, freshwater-use change and/or sea-use change, you shall report relevant metrics

d. If you have concluded that you directly contribute to the accidental or voluntary introduction of invasive alien species,  you may disclose the metrics you use to manage pathways of introduction and spread of invasive alien species and the risks posed by invasive alien species  

e. If you have identified material impacts related to the state of species, you may report relevant metrics

f. If you have identified material impacts related to ecosystems, you may report relevant metrics

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E4: Biodiversity and ecosystems

E4-6 – Anticipated financial effects from material biodiversity and ecosystem-related risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose  anticipated financial effects from material biodiversity and ecosystem-related risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure shall include:

a. a quantification of the anticipated financial effects in monetary terms before considering biodiversity and ecosystems-related actions or where not possible without undue cost or effort, qualitative information. For financial effects arising from material opportunities, a quantification is not required if it would result in disclosure that does not meet the qualitative characteristics of information.

b. a description of the effects considered, the impacts and dependencies to which they relate and the time horizons in which they are likely to materialise

c. the critical assumptions used to quantify the anticipated financial effects as well as the sources and the level of uncertainty of those assumptions

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E5: Resource use and circular economy

E5-1 – Policies related to resource use and circular economy

Are you ready to disclose your policies related to resource use and circular economy?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Specifically, your disclosure regarding policies related to resource use and circular economy should include the following:

a. how you transition away from the use of virgin resources, including relative increases in the use of secondary (recycled) resources

b. your use of sustainable sourcing and use of renewable resources

These policies shall address material impacts, risks and opportunities in your own operations and along your upstream and downstream value chain.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to resource use and circular economy, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commits to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E5: Resource use and circular economy

E5-2 – Actions and resources related to resource use and circular economy

Are you ready to disclose your actions related to resource use and circular economy and the resources allocated to their implementation?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Examples of such actions are:

a. higher levels of resource efficiency in the use of technical and biological materials and water, particularly in relation to critical raw materials and rare earths as listed in the Raw Materials Information System

b. higher rates of use of secondary raw materials (recyclates)

c. application of circular design, leading to increased product durability and optimisation of use, and higher rates of: Reuse, Repair, Refurbishing, Remanufacture, Repurposing and Recycling

d. application of circular business practices such as:

i. value retention actions

ii. value maximisation actions

iii. end-of-life actions

iv. systems efficiency actions

e. actions taken to prevent waste generation in your upstream and downstream value chain

f. optimistation of waste management in line with the waste hierarchy

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E5: Resource use and circular economy

E5-3 – Targets related to resource use and circular economy

Are you ready to disclose your targets related to resource use and circular economy?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


Such targets should relate to resource inflows and resource outflows, including waste and products materials. More specifically:

a. your increase of circular product design (including for instance design for durability, dismantling, reparability, recyclability etc)

b. your increase of circular material use rate

c. your minimisation of primary raw material

d. your sustainable sourcing and use of renewable resources

e. your waste management, including preparation for proper treatment

f. other matters related to resource use or circular economy

You also need to specify to which layer of the waste hierarchy the target relates.

You may specify whether ecological thresholds and entity-specific allocations were taken into consideration when setting your targets. If so, you may specify:

a. the ecological thresholds identified, and the methodology used to identify such thresholds

b. whether or not the thresholds are entity-specific and if so, how they were determined

c. how responsibility for respecting identified ecological thresholds is allocated in your organization

You shall also specify as part of the contextual information, whether the targets you have set and presented are mandatory (required by legislation) or voluntary.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E5: Resource use and circular economy

E5-4 – Resource inflows

Are you ready to disclose information on your resource inflows?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


If resource inflows is a material sustainability matter in your case, you need to disclose the following information about the materials used to manufacture your products and services during the reporting period, in tonnes or kilogrammes:

a. the overall total weight of products and technical and biological materials used during the reporting period

b. the percentage of biological materials used to manufacture your products and services that is sustainably sourced, with information on the certification scheme used

c. the weight in both absolute value and percentage of secondary reused or recycled components, secondary intermediary products and secondary materials used to manufacture your products and services

You shall also provide information on the methodologies used to calculate the data, and specify whether the data is sourced from direct measurement or estimations.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E5: Resource use and circular economy

E5-5 – Resource outflows

Are you ready to disclose information on your resource outflows, including waste?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall provide a description of the key products and materials that come out of your production process and that are designed along circular principles, including durability, reusability, repairability, disassembly, remanufacturing, refurbishment, recycling, recirculation by the biological cycle, or optimisation of the use of the product or material through other circular business models.

In regard to your products and materials you disclose information on the following, if material:

a. The expected durability of your products placed on the market, in relation to the industry average for each product group

b. The reparability of your products, using an established rating system where possible

c. The rates of recyclable content in your products and their packaging

You shall disclose the following information on your total amount of waste from your own operations, in tonnes or kilogrammes:

a. the total amount of waste generated

b. the total amount by weight diverted from disposal, with a breakdown between hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste and a breakdown by the following recovery operation types:

i. preparation for reuse

ii. recycling

iii. other recovery operations

c. the amount by weight directed to disposal by waste treatment type and the total amount summing all three types, with a breakdown between hazardous waste and non-hazardous waste. The waste treatment types to be disclosed are:

i. incineration

ii. landfill

iii. other disposal operations

d. the total amount and percentage of non-recycled waste

When disclosing the composition of the waste, you shall specify:

a. the waste streams relevant to your sector or activities

b. the materials that are present in the waste (e.g. biomass, metals, non-metallic minerals, plastics, textiles, critical raw materials and rare earths)

You shall also disclose the total amount of hazardous waste and radioactive waste generated by your organization, where radioactive waste is defined in Article 3(7) of Council Directive 2011/70/Euratom.

Lastly, you also need to provide contextual information on the methodologies used to calculate the data and in particular the criteria and assumptions used to determine and classify products designed along circular principles. You shall specify whether the data is sourced from direct measurement or estimations, and disclose the key assumptions used.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS E5: Resource use and circular economy

E5-6 – Anticipated financial effects from material resource use and circular economy-related risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose anticipated financial effects of material risks and opportunities arising from resource use and circular economy related impacts?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure shall include:

a. a quantification of the anticipated financial effects in monetary terms before considering resource use and circular economy-related actions, or where not possible without undue cost or effort, qualitative information. For financial effects arising from material opportunities, a quantification is not required if it would result in disclosure that does not meet the qualitative characteristics of information

b. a description of the effects considered, the impacts and dependencies to which they relate and the time horizons in which they are likely to materialise

c. the critical assumptions used to quantify the anticipated financial effects, as well as the sources and level of uncertainty of those assumptions

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-1 – Policies related to own workforce

Are you ready to disclose your policies adopted to manage your material impacts on your own workforce, as well as associated material risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall describe your human rights policy commitments that are relevant to your own workforce.

This disclosure should include your processes and mechanisms to monitor compliance with:

1. the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

2. the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

3. or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Your disclosure should focus on matters that are material to, as well as your general approach to:

a. respect for the human rights, including labour rights, of people in your own workforce

b. engagement with people in your own workforce

c. measures to provide and/or enable remedy for human rights impacts

You need to disclose whether and how your policies with regard to your own workforce are aligned with internationally recognised instruments including the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

You shall state whether your policies in relation to your own workforce explicitly address trafficking in human beings, forced labour or compulsory labour and child labour.

You shall state whether you have a workplace accident prevention policy or management system in place.

Furthermore, you shall disclose:

a. whether you have specific policies aimed at the elimination of discrimination, including harassment, promoting equal opportunities and other ways to advance diversity and inclusion

b. whether the following grounds for discrimination are specifically covered in your policy: racial and ethnic origin, colour, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin, or other forms of discrimination covered by Union regulation and national law

c. whether you have specific policy commitments related to inclusion or positive action for people from groups at particular risk of vulnerability in your own workforce and, if so, what these commitments are

d. whether and how these policies are implemented through specific procedures to ensure discrimination is prevented, mitigated and acted upon once detected, as well as to advance diversity and inclusion in general

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to your own workforce, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organizations commits to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-2 – Processes for engaging with own workforce and workers’ representatives about impacts

Are you ready to disclose your general processes for engaging with people in your own workforce and workers' representatives about actual and potential impacts on your own workforce?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose whether and how the perspectives of your own workforce inform your decisions or activities aimed at managing the actual and potential impacts on your own workforce.

Where relevant this should include an explanation of:

a. whether engagement occurs directly with your own workforce or workers' representatives

b. the stage(s) at which engagement occurs, the type of engagement and frequency of the engagement

c. the function and the most senior role within your organization that has operational responsibility for ensuring that this engagement happens

d. where applicable, a Global Framework Agreement or other agreements that your organization has with workers' representatives related to the respect of human rights of your own workforce, including an explanation of how the agreement enables you to gain insight into the perspectives of your own workforce

e. where applicable, how you assess the effectiveness of your engagement with your own workforce. If relevant, this should include any agreements or outcomes that this engagement have resulted in

Furthermore, if applicable you shall also disclose the steps you take to gain insight into the perspectives of your own workforce that may be particularly vulnerable to impacts (for example, women, migrants, people with disabilities).

If you cannot disclose the information above because you have not adopted a general process to engage with your own workforce, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-3 – Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for own workforce to raise concerns

Do you have processes in place to provide for remediation of negative impacts on people in your own workforce, as well as channels available to your own workforce to raise concerns and have them addressed?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall describe:

a. your general approach to and processes for providing or contributing to remedy where you have caused or contributed to a material negative impact on people in your own workforce, including whether and how you assess that the remedy provided is effective

b. any specific channels you have in place for your own workforce to raise their concerns or needs directly with your organization and have them addressed, including whether these channels are established by yourself and/or whether they are third-party mechanisms

c. whether or not your organization has a grievance/complaints handling mechanism related to employee matters

d. the processes through which your organization supports the availability of such channels in the workplace of your own workforce

e. how you track and monitor issues raised and addressed, and, how you ensure the effectiveness of the channels, including through the involvement of stakeholders who are intended users

Moreover, you shall also disclose whether and how you assess that people in your own workforce are aware of and trust these structures or processes as a way to raise their concerns or needs and have them addressed. Additionally, you shall disclose whether you have policies in place regarding the protection of individuals that use them, including workers’ representatives, against retaliation.

If you cannot disclose the information above because you haven't got a channel for raising concerns and/or do not support the availability of such a channel in the workplace of your own workforce, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-4 – Taking action on material impacts on own workforce, and approaches to managing material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to own workforce, and effectiveness of those actions

Are you ready to disclose how you take action to address material negative and positive impacts, and to manage material risks and pursue material opportunities related to your own workforce, and the effectiveness of those actions?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


In relation to material impacts related to your own workforce, you shall describe:

a. actions taken, planned or underway to prevent or mitigate material negative impacts on your own workforce

b. whether and how you have taken action to provide or enable remedy in relation to an actual material impact

c. any additional actions or initiatives that you have in place with the primary purpose of delivering positive impacts for your own workforce

d. how you track and assess the effectiveness of these actions and initiatives in delivering outcomes for your own workforce

You shall also describe the processes through which you identify what action is needed and appropriate in response to a particular actual or potential negative impact on your own workforce. 

In relation to material risks and opportunities, you shall describe:

a. what action is planned or underway to mitigate material risks for your organization arising from your impacts and dependencies on your own workforce and how your track effectiveness in practice

b. what action is planned or underway to pursue material opportunities for your organization in relation to your own workforce

Furthermore, you shall disclose whether and how you ensure that your own practices do not cause or contribute to material negative impacts on your own workforce, including your practices in relation to procurement, sales and data use if relevant. This may include disclosing what approach is taken when tensions arise between the prevention or mitigation of material negative impacts and other business pressures.

You also need to disclose what resources are allocated to the management of your material impacts, with information that allows users to gain an understanding of how the material impacts are managed.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-5 – Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose targets you may have set related to:

a. reducing negative impacts on your own workforce

b. advancing positive impacts on your own workforce

c. managing material risks and opportunities related to your own workforce

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the process for setting these targets, including whether and how you have engaged directly with your own workforce, their legitimate representatives, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation in:

a. setting any such targets

b. tracking the performance of your organization against them

c. identifying any lessons or improvements as a result of the performance of your organization

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-6 – Characteristics of the undertaking’s employees

Are you ready to disclose  information on the key characteristics of employees in your own workforce?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you shall provide the following information:

a. the total number of employees by head count, and breakdowns by gender and by country for countries in which you have 50 or more employees representing at least 10% of your total number of employees

b. the total number by head count or full time equivalent (FTE) of:

i. permanent employees, and breakdown by gender

ii. temporary employees, and breakdown by gender

iii. non-guaranteed hours employees, and breakdown by gender

You might also disclose the information in point (b) broken down per region.

c. the total number of employees who have left your organization during the reporting period and the rate of employee turnover in the reporting period.

d. a description of the methodologies and assumptions used to compile the data, including whether the numbers are reported:

i. in head count or full-time equivalent (FTE) (including an explanation of how FTE is defined)

ii. at the end of the reporting period, as an average across the reporting period, or using another methodology

e. where applicable, a provision of contextual information necessary to understand the data (for example, to understand fluctuations in number of employees during the reporting period)

f. a cross-reference of the information reported under (a) above to the most representative number in the financial statements

You might also disclose by head count or full time equivalent (FTE) the following information:

a. full-time employees, and breakdowns by gender and by region

b. part-time employees, and breakdowns by gender and by region

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-7 –  Characteristics of non-employees in the undertaking’s own workforce

Are you ready to disclose information on the key characteristics of non-employees in your own workforce?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall provide the following information:

a. a disclosure of the total number of non-employees in your own workforce, i.e., either people with contracts with your organization to supply labour (“self-employed people”) or people provided by your organization primarily engaged in “employment activities”. You may also disclose the most common types of non-employees, their relationship with your organization and the type of work that they perform.

b. an explanation of the methodologies and assumptions used to compile the data, including whether the number of non-employees is reported:

i. in headcount or full-time equivalent (FTE) (including a definition of how FTE is defined), and

ii. at the end of the reporting period, as an average across the reporting period, or using another methodology.

c. where applicable, a provision of contextual information necessary to understand the data (for example, significant fluctuations in the number of non-employees in your own workforce during the reporting period and between the current and the previous reporting period).

Where data is not available, you shall estimate the number and state that it has done so. When you perform estimates, you shall describe the basis of preparation of this estimation.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-8 – Collective bargaining coverage and social dialogue

Are you ready to disclose information on the extent to which the working conditions and terms of employment of your employees are determined or influenced by collective bargaining agreements, and to what extent your employees are represented in social dialogue in the European Economic Area (EEA) at the establishment and European level?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this Disclosure Requirement you need to disclose the following information:

a. the percentage of your total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements

b. in the EEA, whether you have one or more collective bargaining agreements and, if so, the overall percentage of your employees covered by such agreement(s) for each country in which you have significant employment, defined as at least 50 employees by head count representing at least 10% of your total number of employees, and

c. outside the EEA, the percentage of your own employees covered by collective bargaining agreements by region

For employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements, you may disclose whether you determine their working conditions and terms of employment based on collective bargaining agreements that cover your other employees, or based on collective bargaining agreements from other undertakings.

You may also disclose the extent to which the working conditions and terms of employment of non-employees in your own workforce are determined or influenced by collective bargaining agreements, including an estimate of the coverage rate.

In relation to social dialogue you shall disclose the following information:

a. the global percentage of employees covered by workers’ representatives, reported at the country level for each EEA country in which you have significant employment

b. the existence of any agreement with your employees for representation by a European Works Council (EWC), a Societas Europaea (SE) Works Council, or a Societas Cooperativa Europaea (SCE) Works Council.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-9 – Diversity metrics

Are you ready to disclose information on the gender distribution at your top management level and the age distribution amongst your employees?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You need to disclose the following:

a. the gender distribution in number and percentage at top management level

b. the distribution of employees by age group: 

i. under 30 years old

ii. 30-50 years old

iii. over 50 years old

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-10 – Adequate wages

Are you ready to disclose whether or not your employees are paid an adequate wage?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose whether all your employees are paid an adequate wage, in line with applicable benchmarks. If that is the case, stating this will be sufficient to fulfill this disclosure requirement and no further information is needed.

Otherwise, if not all your employees are paid an adequate wage in line with applicable benchmarks, you shall disclose the countries where your employees earn below the applicable adequate wage benchmark and the percentage of employees that earn below the applicable adequate wage benchmark for each of these countries.

You may also disclose the information specified in this disclosure requirement with regard to non-employees in your workforce.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-11 – Social protection

Are you ready to disclose whether your employees are covered by social protection against loss of income due to major life events?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall disclose whether all your employees are covered by social protection, through public programs or through benefits offered by your organization, against loss of income due to any of the following major life events:

a. sickness

b. unemployment starting from when the own worker is working for your organization

c. employment injury and acquired disability

d. parental leave

e. retirement

If this is the case, stating this is sufficient to fulfill this disclosure requirement and no further information is needed.

Otherwise, if not all of your employees are covered by social protection, you shall in addition disclose the countries where employees do not have social protection with regard to one or more of the types of events listed above, and for each of those countries the types of employees who do not have social protection with regard to each applicable major life event.

You may also disclose the information specified in this disclosure requirement with regard to non-employees in your workforce.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-12– Persons with disabilities

Are you ready to disclose the percentage of your own employees with disabilities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the percentage of persons with disabilities amongst your employees, and provide any contextual information necessary to understand the data and how the data has been compiled. For example, information about the impact of different legal definitions of persons with disabilities in the different countries in which your organization have operations.

You may also disclose the percentage of employees with disabilities broken down by gender.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-13 – Training and skills development metrics

Are you ready to disclose the extent to which training and skills development is provided to your employees?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure requirement shall include the following information:

a. the percentage of employees that participated in regular performance and career development reviews, broken down by gender

b. the average number of training hours per employee and by gender

You may also disclose breakdowns by employee category for the percentage of employees that participated in regular performance and career development and for the average number of training hours per employee.

You may also disclose the information specified in this disclosure requirement with regard to non-employees in your workforce.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-14 – Health and safety metrics

Are you ready to disclose  information on the extent to which your own workforce is covered by your health and safety management system and the number of incidents associated with work-related injuries, ill health and fatalities of your own workforce?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


In this disclosure requirement you shall provide the following information, and where applicable broken down between employees and non-employees in your own workforce:

a. the percentage of people in your own workforce who are covered by your health and safety management system based on legal requirements and/or recognised standards or guidelines

b. the number of fatalities as a result of work-related injuries and work-related ill health. This information shall also be reported for other workers working on your sites, such as value chain workers if they are working on your organization’s sites.

c. the number and rate of recordable work-related accidents

d. with regard to your employees, the number of cases of recordable work related ill health. You may also disclose this information with regard to non-employees.

e. with regard to your employees, the number of days lost to work-related injuries and fatalities from work-related accidents, work-related ill health and fatalities from ill health. You may also disclose this information with regard to non-employees.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-15 – Work-life balance metrics

Are you ready to disclose the extent to which your employees are entitled to and make use of family-related leave?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the following:

a. the percentage of employees entitled to take family-related leave

b. the percentage of entitled employees that took family-related leave, and a breakdown by gender

If all of your employees are entitled to family-related leave through social policy and/or collective bargaining agreements, it is sufficient to disclose this in order to meet this requirement.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-16 – Remuneration metrics (pay gap and total remuneration)

Are you ready to disclose the percentage gap in pay between your female and male employees and the ratio between the remuneration of your highest paid individual and the median remuneration for your employees?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You need to disclose the following:

a. the gender pay gap, defined as the difference of average pay levels between female and male employees, expressed as percentage of the average pay level of male employees. You may disclose this information broken down by by employee category and/or by country/segment. You may also disclose the gender pay gap between employees by categories of employees broken down by ordinary basic salary and complementary or variable components.

b. the annual total remuneration ratio of the highest paid individual to the median annual total remuneration for all employees (excluding the highest-paid individual). You may report this figure adjusted for purchasing power differences between countries. If so you shall report the methodology used for the calculation.

c. where applicable, any contextual information necessary to understand the data and how the data has been compiled and other changes to the underlying data that are to be considered.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S1: Own workforce

S1-17 – Incidents, complaints and severe human rights impacts

Are you ready to disclose the number of work-related incidents and/or complaints and severe human rights impacts within your own workforce, and any related material fines, sanctions or compensation?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


This disclosure requirement shall include work-related incidents of discrimination on the grounds of gender, racial or ethnic origin, nationality, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, or other relevant forms of discrimination involving internal and/or external stakeholders across your operations in the reporting period. This includes incidents of harassment as a specific form of discrimination.

You need to disclose:

a. the total number of incidents of discrimination, including harassment, reported in the reporting period

b. the number of complaints filed through channels for people in your own workforce to raise concerns (including grievance mechanisms)

c. the total amount of fines, penalties, and compensation for damages as a result of the incidents and complaints disclosed above, and a reconciliation of such monetary amounts disclosed with the most relevant amount presented in the financial statements

d. where applicable, contextual information necessary to understand the data and how such data has been compiled

Regarding identified cases of severe human rights incidents (e.g., forced labour, human trafficking or child labour), you shall disclose the following information:

a. the number of severe human rights incidents connected to your own workforce in the reporting period, including an indication of how many of these are cases of non-respect of:

i. the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

ii. the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

iii. or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

If no such incidents have occurred, you shall state this.

b. the total amount of fines, penalties and compensation for damages for the incidents described in (a) above, and a reconciliation of the monetary amounts disclosed in the most relevant amount in the financial statement

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain

S2-1 – Policies related to value chain workers

Are you ready to disclose your policies adopted to manage your material impacts on value chain workers, as well as associated material risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe your human rights policy commitments that are relevant to value chain workers.

This description should include your processes and mechanisms to monitor compliance with:

1. the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

2. the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

3. or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Your disclosure should focus on matters that are material to, as well as your general approach to:

a. respect for the human rights, including labour rights, of workers

b. engagement with value chain workers

c. measures to provide and/or enable remedy for human rights impacts

You shall state whether your policies in relation to value chain workers explicitly address trafficking in human beings, forced labour or compulsory labour and child labour. You shall also state whether you have a supplier code of conduct.

You shall also disclose whether and how your policies with regard to value chain workers are aligned with internationally recognised instruments such as the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and to what extent a non-respect of such principles have been reported in your upstream and downstream value chain, and an indication of the nature of such cases.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to value chain workers, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain

S2-2 – Processes for engaging with value chain workers about impacts

Are you ready to disclose your general processes for engaging with value chain workers and their representatives about actual and potential impacts on them?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose whether and how the perspectives of value chain workers inform your decisions or activities aimed at managing the actual and potential impacts on value chain workers. Where relevant this should include an explanation of:

a. whether engagement occurs with value chain workers or their legitimate representatives directly, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation

b. the stage(s) at which engagement occurs, the type of engagement, and the frequency of the engagement

c. the function and the most senior role within your organization that has operational responsibility for ensuring that this engagement happens

d. where applicable, agreements that you have with global union federations related to respect of human rights of workers in the value chain

e. where applicable, how you assess the effectiveness of your engagement with workers in the value chain, including any agreements or outcomes if relevant

Furthermore, if applicable you shall also disclose the steps you take to gain insight into the perspectives of workers that may be particularly vulnerable to impacts and/or marginalised workers (for example, women workers, migrant workers, workers with disabilities).

If you cannot disclose the information above because you have not adopted a general process to engage with workers in the value chain, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain

S2-3 –  Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for value chain workers to raise concerns

Do you have processes in place to provide for remediation of negative impacts on value chain workers that your are connected with, as well as channels available to value chain workers to raise concerns and have them addressed?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall describe:

a. your general approach to and processes for providing or contributing to remedy where you have caused or contributed to a material negative impact on value chain workers, including whether and how you assess that the remedy provided is effective

b. any specific channels you have in place for value chain workers to raise their concerns or needs directly with your organization and have them addressed, including whether these channels are established by yourself and/or whether they are third-party mechanisms

c. the processes through which you support or require the availability of such channels in the workplace of value chain workers

d. how you track and monitor issues raised and addressed, and how you ensure the effectiveness of the channels, including through involvement of stakeholders who are the intended users

Moreover, you shall also disclose whether and how you assess that value chain workers are aware of and trust these structures or processes as a way to raise their concerns or needs and have them addressed. Additionally, you shall disclose whether you have policies in place regarding the protection of individuals that use them against retaliation.

If you cannot disclose the information above because you haven't got a channel for raising concerns and/or do not support the availability of such a channel in the workplace of value chain workers, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain

S2-4 – Actions planned and taken mitigating material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to value chain workers, and effectiveness of those actions

Are you ready to disclose how you take action to address material impacts on value chain workers, and how you take action to manage material risks and pursue material opportunities related to value chain workers, and the effectiveness of those actions?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe:

a. the processes through which you identify what action is needed and appropriate in response to a particular actual or potential negative impact on value chain workers

b. your approach to taking action in relation to specific material negative impacts on value chain workers, for example any actions taken in your own purchasing or other internal practices, as well as capacity building or other forms of engagement with entities in the value chain, or forms of collaborative action with industry peers or other relevant parties

c. how you ensure that processes to provide or enable remedy in the event of material negative impacts are available and effective in their implementation and outcomes

In regard to material impacts related to value chain workers you shall describe:

a. your actions taken, planned or underway to prevent or mitigate material negative impacts on value chain workers

b. whether and how you have taken action to provide or enable remedy in relation to an actual material impact

c. any additional actions or initiatives you have in place with the primary purpose of delivering positive impacts for value chain workers

d. how you track and assess the effectiveness of such actions and initiatives in delivering intended outcomes for value chain workers

In regard to material risks and opportunities related to value chain workers you shall describe:

a. what action is planned or underway to mitigate material risks for your organization arising from your impacts and dependencies on value chain workers and how you track the effectiveness of these in practice

b. what action is planned or underway to pursue material opportunities for your organization in relation to value chain workers

Furthermore, you shall disclose whether and how you take action to avoid causing or contributing to material negative impacts on value chain workers through your own practices. For example in relation to procurement, sales and data use. This may include disclosing what approach you have taken when tensions arise between the prevention or mitigation of material negative impacts and other business pressures.

You shall also disclose whether severe human rights issues and incidents connected to your upstream and downstream value chain have been reported and, if applicable, disclose these.

You also need to disclose what resources are allocated to the management of your material impacts, with information that enables an understanding of how these material impacts are managed.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S2: Workers in the value chain

S2-5 – Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose targets you may have set related to:

a. reducing negative impacts on value chain workers

b. advancing positive impacts on value chain workers

c. managing material risks and opportunities related to value chain workers

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the process for setting these targets, including whether and how you have engaged directly with workers in the value chain, their legitimate representatives, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation in:

a. setting any such targets

b. tracking the performance of your organization against them

c. identifying any lessons or improvements as a result of the performance of your organization

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S3: Affected communities

S3-1 – Policies related to affected communities

Are you ready to disclose your policies adopted to manage your material impacts on affected communities, as well as associated material risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe your human rights policy commitments that are relevant to affected communities.

You shall disclose any particular policy provisions for preventing and addressing impacts on indigenous peoples.

This disclosure should include your processes and mechanisms to monitor compliance with:

1. the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

2. the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

3. or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Your disclosure should focus on matters that are material to, as well as your general approach to:

a. respect for the human rights of communities, and indigenous peoples specifically

b. engagement with affected communities

c. measures to provide and/or enable remedy for human rights impacts

You need to disclose whether and how your policies with regard to affected communities are aligned with internationally recognised standards relevant to communities and indigenous peoples specifically, including the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

You also need to disclose the extent to which cases of non-respect of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work or OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises that involve affected communities have been reported in your own operations or in your upstream and downstream value chain and, if applicable, an indication of the nature of such cases.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to affected communities, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S3: Affected communities

S3-2 – Processes for engaging with affected communities about impacts

Are you ready to disclose your general processes for engaging with affected communities and their representatives about actual and potential impacts on them?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose whether and how the perspectives of affected communities inform your decisions or activities aimed at managing actual and potential impacts on communities. Where relevant, this should include an explanation of:

a. whether engagement occurs with affected communities or their legitimate representatives directly, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation

b. the stage(s) at which engagement occurs, the type of engagement, and the frequency of the engagement

c. the function and the most senior role within your organization that has operational responsibility for ensuring that this engagement happens

d. where applicable, how you assess the effectiveness of your engagement with affected communities. If relevant, this should include any agreements or outcomes that this engagement have resulted in

Furthermore, if applicable you shall also disclose the steps you take to gain insight into:

1. the perspectives of affected communities that may be particularly vulnerable to impacts

2. the perspective of specific groups within the affected communities, such as women and girls

Where affected communities are indigenous peoples, you shall also disclose how you take into account and ensure respect of their particular rights in your stakeholder engagement approach, including their right to free, prior and informed consent with regard to: 

1. their cultural, intellectual, religious and spiritual property

2. activities affecting their lands and territories

3. legislative or administrative measures that affect them

In particular, where engagement occurs with indigenous peoples, you shall also disclose whether and how indigenous peoples have been consulted and the mode and parameters of the engagement (for example, in designing the agenda, nature, and timeliness of the engagement).

If you cannot disclose the information above because you have not adopted a general process to engage with affected communities, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS S3: Affected communities

S3-3 – Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for affected communities to raise concerns

Are you ready to disclose processes in place to provide for remediation of negative impacts on affected communities that your are connected with, as well as channels available to affected communities to raise concerns and have them addressed?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall describe:

a. your general approach to and processes for providing or contributing to remedy where you have identified that you have caused or contributed to a material negative impact on affected communities, including whether and how you assess that the remedy provided is effective

b. any specific channels you have in place for affected communities to raise their concerns or needs directly with your organization and have them addressed, including whether these are established by yourself and/or through participation in third-party mechanisms

c. the processes through which you support the availability of such channels by your business relationships

d. how you track and monitor issues raised and addressed, and how you ensure the effectiveness of the channels, including through involvement of stakeholders who are the intended users of those channels

Moreover, you shall also disclose whether and how you assess that affected communities are aware of and trust these structures or processes as a way to raise their concerns or needs and have them addressed. Additionally, you shall disclose whether you have policies in place regarding the protection of individuals that use them against retaliation.

If you cannot disclose the information above because you haven't got a channel for raising concerns and/or do not support the availability of such a channel by your business relationships, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS S3: Affected communities

S3-4 – Actions planned and taken mitigating material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to affected communities, and effectiveness of those actions

Are you ready to disclose how you take action to address material impacts on affected communities, and how you take action to manage material risks and pursue material opportunities related to affected communities, and the effectiveness of those actions?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe:

a. the processes through which you identify what action is needed and appropriate in response to a particular actual or potential negative impact on affected communities

b. your approach to taking action in relation to specific material negative impacts on communities, for example any actions taken in your own practices regarding land acquisition, planning and construction, operation or closure practices, as well as whether wider industry or collaborative action with other relevant parties will be required

c. how you ensure that processes to provide or enable remedy in the event of material negative impacts are available and effective in their implementation and outcom

In regard to material impacts related to affected communities you shall describe:

a. your actions taken, planned or underway to prevent or mitigate material negative impacts on affected communities

b. whether and how you have taken action to provide or enable remedy in relation to an actual material impact

c. any additional actions or initiatives you have in place with the primary purpose of delivering positive impacts for affected communities

d. how you track and assess the effectiveness of these actions and initiatives in delivering intended outcomes for affected communities

In regard to material risks and opportunities related to affected communities you shall describe:

a. what action is planned or underway to mitigate material risks for your organization arising from your impacts and dependencies on affected communities and how you track the effectiveness of these in practice

b. what action is planned or underway to pursue material opportunities for your organization in relation to affected communities

Furthermore, you shall disclose whether and how you take action to avoid causing or contributing to material negative impacts on affected communities through your own practices. For example in relation to planning, land acquisition and exploitation, finance, extraction or production of raw materials, use of natural resources, and management of environmental impacts. This may include disclosing what approach you have taken when tensions arise between the prevention or mitigation of material negative impacts and other business pressures.

You shall also disclose whether severe human rights issues and incidents connected to affected communities have been reported and, if applicable, disclose these.

You also need to disclose what resources are allocated to the management of your material impacts, with information that enables an understanding of how these material impacts are managed.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

ESRS S3: Affected communities

S3-5 – Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities

Are you ready to disclose targets you may have set related to:

a. reducing negative impacts on affected communities

b. advancing positive impacts on affected communities

c. managing material risks and opportunities related to affected communities

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the process for setting these targets, including whether and how you have engaged directly with affected communities, their legitimate representatives, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation in:

a. setting any such targets

b. tracking the performance of your organization against them

c. identifying any lessons or improvements as a result of the performance of your organization

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S4: Consumers and end-users

S4-1 – Policies related to consumers and end-users

Are you ready to disclose your policies adopted to manage your material impacts of your products and/or services on consumers and end-users, as well as associated material risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe your human rights policy commitments that are relevant to consumers and/or end-users.

This disclosure should include your processes and mechanisms to monitor compliance with:

1. the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

2. the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

3. or the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

Your disclosure should focus on matters that are material to, as well as your general approach to:

a. respect for the human rights of consumers and/or end-users

b. engagement with consumers and/or end-users

c. measures to provide and/or enable remedy for human rights impacts

You need to disclose whether and how your policies with regard to consumers and/or end-users are aligned with internationally recognised standards relevant to consumers and/or end-users, including the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

You also need to disclose the extent to which cases of non-respect of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work or OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises that involve consumers and/or end-users have been reported in your downstream value chain and, if applicable, an indication of the nature of such cases.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. a description of the key contents of your policy related to consumers and/or end-users, including its general objectives and which material impacts, risks or opportunities the policy relates to and the process for monitoring

b. a description of the scope of the policy, or of its exclusions, in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and if relevant, affected stakeholder groups

c. the most senior level in your organisation that is accountable for the implementation of the policy

d. a reference, if relevant, to the third-party standards or initiatives your organization commit to respect through the implementation of the policy

e. if relevant, a description of the consideration given to the interests of key stakeholders in setting the policy

f. if relevant, whether and how you make the policy available to potentially affected stakeholders, and stakeholders who need to help implement it

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S4: Consumers and end-users

S4-2 – Processes for engaging with consumers and endusers about impacts

Are you ready to disclose your general processes for engaging with consumers and end-users and their representatives about actual and potential impacts on them?

Please specify an answer

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You shall disclose whether and how the perspectives of consumers and/or end users inform your decisions or activities aimed at managing actual and potential impacts on consumers and/or end-users. Where relevant, this should include an explanation of:

a. whether engagement occurs with affected consumers and/or end-users or their legitimate representatives directly, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation

b.  the stage(s) at which engagement occurs, the type of engagement, and the frequency of the engagement

c. the function and the most senior role within your organization that has operational responsibility for ensuring that this engagement happens

d. where applicable, how you assess the effectiveness of your engagement with consumers and/or end-users. If relevant, this should include any agreements or outcomes that this engagement have resulted in

Furthermore, if applicable you shall also disclose the steps you take to gain insight into the perspectives of consumers and/or end-users that may be particularly vulnerable to impacts, for example people with disabilities, children, etc.

If you cannot disclose the information above because you have not adopted a general process to engage with consumers and/or end-users, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S4: Consumers and end-users

S4-3 – Processes to remediate negative impacts and channels for consumers and end-users to raise concerns

Do you have processes in place to provide for remediation of negative impacts on consumers and end-users that your are connected with, as well as channels available to affected communities to raise concerns and have them addressed?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you shall describe:

a. your general approach to and processes for providing or contributing to remedy where you have identified that you have caused or contributed to a material negative impact on consumers and/or end-users, including whether and how you assess that the remedy provided is effective

b. any specific channels you have in place for consumers and/or end-users to raise their concerns or needs directly with your organization and have them addressed, including whether these are established by yourself and/or through participation in third-party mechanisms

c. the processes through which you support the availability of such channels by your business relationships

d. how you track and monitor issues raised and addressed, and how you ensure the effectiveness of the channels, including through involvement of stakeholders who are the intended users of these channels

Moreover, you shall also disclose whether and how you assess that consumers and/or end-users are aware of and trust these structures or processes as a way to raise their concerns or needs and have them addressed. Additionally, you shall disclose whether you have policies in place regarding the protection of individuals that use them against retaliation.

If you cannot disclose the information above because you haven't got a channel for raising concerns and/or do not support the availability of such a channel by your business relationships, you shall disclose this to be the case. If so you may also disclose a time frame in which you aim to have such a process in place.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S4: Consumers and end-users

S4-4 – Taking action on material impacts on consumers and end-users, and approaches to mitigating material risks and pursuing material opportunities related to consumers and end-users, and effectiveness of those actions

Are you ready to disclose how you take action to address material impacts on consumers and end-users, and how you take action to manage material risks and pursue material opportunities related to consumers and end-users, and the effectiveness of those actions?

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


According to this disclosure requirement you need to describe:

a. the processes through which you identify what action is needed and appropriate in response to a particular actual or potential negative impact on consumers and/or end-users

b. your approach to taking action in relation to specific material negative impacts on consumers and/or end-users, for example any actions taken in your own practices regarding product design, marketing or sales, as well as whether wider industry or collaborative action with other relevant parties will be required

c. how you ensure that processes to provide or enable remedy in the event of material negative impacts are available and effective in their implementation and outcomes

In regard to material impacts related to consumers and end-users you shall describe:

a. your actions taken, planned or underway to prevent or mitigate material negative impacts on consumers and/or end-users

b. whether and how you have taken action to provide or enable remedy in relation to an actual material impact

c. any additional actions or initiatives you have in place with the primary purpose of positively contributing to improved social outcomes for consumers and/or end-users

d. how you track and assess the effectiveness of these actions and initiatives in delivering intended outcomes for consumers and/or end-users

In regard to material risks and opportunities related to consumers and end-users you shall describe:

a. what action is planned or underway to mitigate material risks for your organization arising from your impacts and dependencies on consumers and/or end-users and how you track the effectiveness of these in practice

b. what action is planned or underway to pursue material opportunities for your organization in relation to consumers and/or end-users

Furthermore, you shall disclose whether and how you take action to avoid causing or contributing to material negative impacts on consumers and/or end-users through your own practices, for example in relation to marketing, sales and data use. This may include disclosing what approach you have taken when tensions arise between the prevention or mitigation of material negative impacts and other business pressures.

When preparing this disclosure, you shall also consider whether severe human rights issues and incidents connected to your consumers and/or end-users have been reported and, if applicable, disclose these.

You also need to disclose what resources are allocated to the management of your material impacts, with information that enables an understanding of how these material impacts are managed.

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information:

a. the list of key actions taken in the reporting year and planned for the future, their expected outcomes and, where relevant, how their implementation contributes to the achievement of policy objectives and targets

b. the scope of the key actions (i.e., coverage in terms of activities, upstream and/or downstream value chain, geographies and, where applicable, affected stakeholder groups)

c. the time horizons under which you intend to complete each key action

d. if applicable, key actions taken (along with results) to provide for and cooperate in or support the provision of remedy for those harmed by actual material impacts

e. if applicable, quantitative and qualitative information regarding the progress of actions or action plans disclosed in prior periods

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS S4: Consumers and end-users

S4-5 – Targets related to managing material negative impacts, advancing positive impacts, and managing material risks and opportunities 

Are you ready to disclose targets you may have set related to:

a. reducing negative impacts on consumers and/or end-users

b. advancing positive impacts on consumers and/or end-users

c. managing material risks and opportunities related to consumers and/or end-users

Please specify an answer

Hints & support


You shall disclose the process for setting these targets, including whether and how you have engaged directly with consumers and/or end-users, their legitimate representatives, or with credible proxies that have insight into their situation in:

a. setting any such targets

b. tracking the performance of your organization against them

c. identifying any lessons or improvements as a result of the performance of your organization

In addition to this, according to the general minimum requirements for this disclosure requirement you need to provide the following information for each measurable, outcome-oriented and time-bound target on material sustainability matters that you have set:

a. a description of the relationship of the target to the policy objectives 

b. the defined target level to be achieved, including, where applicable, whether the target is absolute or relative and in which unit it is measured

c. the scope of the target, including your own activities and/or your upstream and/or downstream value chain where applicable and geographical boundaries

d. the baseline value and base year from which progress is measured

e. the period to which the target applies and if applicable, any milestones or interim targets

f. the methodologies and significant assumptions used to define targets, including where applicable, the selected scenario, data sources, alignment with national, EU or international policy goals and how the targets consider the wider context of sustainable development and/or local situation in which impacts take place

g. whether your targets related to environmental matters are based on conclusive scientific evidence

h. whether and how stakeholders have been involved in target setting for each material sustainability matter

i. any changes in targets and corresponding metrics or underlying measurement methodologies, significant assumptions, limitations, sources and processes to collect data adopted within the defined time horizon. This includes an explanation of the rationale for those changes and their effect on comparability

j. the performance against your disclosed targets, including information on how the target is monitored and reviewed and the metrics used, whether the progress is in line with what had been initially planned, and an analysis of trends or significant changes in the performance of your organization towards achieving the target

If you have not set any measurable outcome-oriented targets:

a. you may disclose whether such targets will be set and the timeframe for setting them, or the reasons why you do not plan to set such targets

b. you shall disclose whether you nevertheless track the effectiveness of your policies and actions in relation to the material sustainability-related impact, risk and opportunity and if so:

i. any processes through which you do so

ii. the defined level of ambition to be achieved and any qualitative or quantitative indicators you use to evaluate progress, including the base period from which progress is measured

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS G1: Governance/Business conduct

G1-1– Business conduct policies and corporate culture 

Are you ready to disclose your policies with respect to business conduct matters and how it fosters you corporate culture?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you shall describe how you establish, develop, promote and evaluate your corporate culture.

This disclosure shall cover the following aspects related to policies on business conduct matters:

a. a description of the mechanisms for identifying, reporting and investigating concerns about unlawful behaviour or behaviour in contradiction of your code of conduct or similar internal rules, and whether you accommodate reporting from internal and/or external stakeholders

b. where you have no policies on anti-corruption or anti-bribery consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption you shall state this, and whether you have plans to implement them and the timetable for the implementation

c. how you protect whistleblowers, including:

i. details on the establishment of internal whistleblower reporting channels, including whether you provide for information and training of your own workers and information about the designation and training of staff receiving reports

ii. measures to protect against retaliation of your own workers who are whistleblowers in accordance with applicable law  transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council

d. where you have no policies on the protection of whistleblowers, you shall state this and whether you have plans to implement them and the timetable for implementation

e. beyond the procedures to follow-up on reports by whistleblowers in accordance with applicable law, whether you have procedures to investigate business conduct incidents, including incidents of corruption and bribery, promptly, independently and objectively

f. the functions within your organization that are most at risk in respect of corruption and bribery

If you are subject to legal requirements under national law transposing to the current EU Directive (2019/1937), or to equivalent legal requirements with regard to the protection of whistleblowers, you may comply with the above stated criteria stating that you are subject to those legal requirements.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS G1: Governance/Business conduct

G1-2 – Management of relationships with suppliers 

Do you provide information about the management of your relationships with your suppliers and your impacts on your supply chain?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement you shall provide a description of your policy to prevent late payments, specifically to SMEs.

This disclosure shall include the following information:

a. your approach to your relationships with your suppliers, taking into account risks facing your organization related to your supply chain and impacts on sustainability matters

b. whether and how you take social and environmental criteria into account when selecting suppliers

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS G1: Governance/Business conduct

G1-3 – Prevention and detection of corruption or bribery 

Do you provide information about your system to prevent and detect, investigate, and respond to allegations or incidents relating to corruption and bribery, including the related training?

Please specify an answer

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This disclosure shall include the following information:

a. a description of the procedures you have in place to prevent, detect, and address allegations or incidents of corruption and bribery

b. whether the investigators or investigating committee are separate from the chain of management involved in the matter

c. the process, if any, to report outcomes to the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

Furthermore, this disclosure shall include information about how you communicate your policies to those for whom they are relevant, in order to ensure that the policy is accessible and that they understand its implications.

This disclosure shall also include information about the following with respect to training:

a. the nature, scope and depth of anti-corruption and anti-bribery training programmes offered or required by your organization

b. the percentage of functions-at-risk covered by training programmes

c. the extent to which training is given to members of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies

If you have no such procedures as describe above in place, you shall disclose this fact and where applicable, your plans to adopt them.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS G1: Governance/Business conduct

G1-4 – Incidents of corruption or bribery

Do you provide information on incidents of corruption or bribery in each of your reporting periods?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement shall disclose:

a. the number of convictions and the amount of fines for violation of anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws in the reporting period

b. any actions you have taken to address breaches in procedures and standards of anti-corruption and anti-bribery

You may also disclose:

a. the total number and nature of confirmed incidents of corruption or bribery in the reporting period

b. the number of confirmed incidents in which your own workers were dismissed or disciplined for corruption or bribery-related incidents in the reporting period

c. the number of confirmed incidents relating to contracts with business partners that were terminated or not renewed due to violations related to corruption or bribery in the reporting period

d. details of public legal cases regarding corruption or bribery brought against your organization and your own workers during the reporting period and the outcomes of such cases. This includes cases that were initiated in previous years where the outcome was only established in the current reporting period.

The information required above shall include incidents involving actors in your value chain only where your organization or your employees are directly involved.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS G1: Governance/Business conduct

G1-5 – Political influence and lobbying activities

Do you provide information on activities and commitments related to exerting your political influence, including lobbying activities related to your material impacts, risks and opportunities?

Please specify an answer

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According to this disclosure requirement the following is required:

a. if applicable, the representative(s) responsible in the administrative, management and supervisory bodies for the oversight of these activities

b. for financial or in-kind political contributions:

i. the total monetary value of financial and in-kind political contributions made directly and indirectly by your organization, aggregated by country or geographical area where relevant, as well as type of recipient/beneficiary

ii. where appropriate, how the monetary value of in-kind contributions is estimated

c. the main topics covered by your lobbying activities and your organization’s main positions on these in brief

d. if your organization is registered in the EU Transparency Register or in an equivalent transparency register in a Member State, the name of any such register and your identification number in the register

This disclosure shall also include information about the appointment of any members of the administrative, management and supervisory bodies who held a comparable position in public administration (including regulators) in the 2 years preceding such appointment in the current reporting period.

Original Disclosure Requirement

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ESRS G1: Governance/Business conduct

G1-6 – Payment practices

Do you provide information on your payment practices, especially with respect to late payments to small and medium enterprises (SMEs)?

Please specify an answer

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The following shall be included in this disclosure requirement.

a. the average time your organization takes to pay an invoice from the date when the contractual or statutory term of payment starts to be calculated, in number of days

b. a description of your organzation’s standard payment terms in number of days by main category of suppliers and the percentage of your payments aligned with these standard terms

c. the number of legal proceedings currently outstanding for late payments

d. complementary information necessary to provide sufficient context. If you have used representative sampling to calculate the information required under point (a), you shall state that fact and briefly describe the methodology used.

Original Disclosure Requirement

Click here to read the full Discloure Requirement

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